15. Publications A. Research Publications in National and International Journals
B. Research Papers presented in Conferences
Mob. No. 8850062714.
Mail-id – Supriya@dbatu.ac.in
Date of Birth : 28/02/1989.
Educational Qualification:
1. B.Ed 2015, Seva Sadan College of Education, Ulhasnagar-3,Mumbai University.
2. M.Sc Physics 2011, Ahmednagar College, Ahmednagar, Pune University
3. B.Sc. Physics 2009, New Arts, Commerce and Science College, Ahmednagar, Pune University
Work Experience:
1. Present – Research Scholar(Full Time), From last 3 years pursuing in the Department of Physics Period- October 2019 up to the date.
2. Lecturer in Physics Department of Diploma , I.O.P.E., Lonere For the period- 4 months July2019-October 2019
3. Assistant Professor in Physics Department Dr. B. A. Tech. University, Lonere year 2018-19
4. Assistant Professor in Physics Department Shree Chatrapati Shivaji Maharaj College of Engineering , Nepti year 2017-18
5. Assistant Professor in Physics Department Baneshwar College of Arts, and Science, Burhangar, Ahmednagar period of 3 months
6. Assistant Teacher in Physics at S. H. Jondhale Jr. College, Dombivali(W) year 2016-17
7. Assistant Professor in Physics Department, Dr. B. A. Tech. University, Lonere year 2011-2014.
Computer Skills
• C-language
• Internet and E-mailing, MS office(word, excel, Powerpoint), Origin Software, ,Online work related skills
Research Area of interest Solid state Physics, Spintronics, Nanomaterials
Conferences and Workshop
1. Workshop on ‘High impact Teaching Skills’ at Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Technological University, Lonere.
2. Workshop on ‘Robotics’ at Ahmednagar, Vikhe patil Engineering College, Loni(post graduation level)
3. Attended International Conference 99th ISCA-2012 at Bhubneshwar in KIIT University. 3-7th January 2012.
4. Attended International Conference 98th ISCA-2011 at Chennai, SRM University. 3-7th January 2011.
5. Attended International Conference 97th ISCA-2010 at Triuvanantpuram, kerala University. 3-7th January 2010.
International Conferences Participation and paper presented:
1. 6th International conference on ‘perspectives of preparing and Implementing the swachh Bharat Abhiyan’-6th march 2021 at Birla College,
“Synthesis of Cobalt Substituted Magnetite for energy storage and minimization of e-waste.”S.D. Raut, S.G. Dahotre, L. N. Singh
2. One Day Virtual International Conference on Recent Advances in Engineering, Science and Technology-2021 (ICRAEST-2021) 16 July, 2021
Paper Presented: “Synthesis and Characterization of Magnetite and Cobalt Ferrite Nanoparticles by Sol-Gel Auto Combustion Technique” S. D. Raut, S. G. Dahotre, L. N. Singh, S. N. Jadhav
International Journal Publications:
1. “Synthesis and Characterization of Magnetite and Cobalt Ferrite Nanoparticles by Sol-Gel Auto Combustion Technique”,
S. D. Raut, S. G. Dahotre, L. N. Singh, S. N. Jadhav
“International Journal of Innovation in engineering and Science ISSN- 2456-3463”,
Vol 6 Number 10, 2021
2. “Structural and Magnetic Studies of CoxFe3-xO4 By Sol-gel Auto combustion Technique
For Spintronics Applications”
S. D. Raut, S. G. Dahotre, L. N. Singh, S. N. Jadhav
GIS Journal Page No: 644-662
Awards and Prizes :
“1st Prize (Best paper) award For the paper Presentation “Synthesis and Characterization of Magnetite and Cobalt Ferrite Nanoparticles by Sol-Gel Auto Combustion Technique” ,
S. D. Raut, S. G. Dahotre, L. N. Singh, S. N. Jadhav One Day Virtual International Conference on Recent Advances in Engineering, Science and Technology-2021 (ICRAEST-2021) 16 July, 2021
Memberships :Life Member of IAPT ( Indian Association for Physics Teachers )
Project Undertaken
• Project on electronics based “Sequential Light Timer” at graduation level
• Project on “microcontroller Based Token Number Display System” at Post graduation level
Other Activities:
1. NPTEL October 2020, Surface Engineering of Nanomaterials, Elite plus silver grade certificate.
2. Attended FDP of one and half week of –NPTEL October 2019, Physics of Materials
3. Attended FDP of one week of –NPTEL October 2019, Introduction to Research
4. NPTEL October 2018, Solid State Physics, Elite grade certificate.
5. Attended 5-day online National Programme on “women empowerment through Higher education” 21-25 Jan, 2021 conducted by Dr. B. A. T. University, lonere in association with Bahai’s Academy, Panchgani and Himachal Pradesh Technical University, Hamirpur.
6. Participated in National Level Online Technical Quiz on “RESEARCHMETHODOLOGY” during 20th – 22nd JUNE 2020 organized by Lokmanya Tilak College Of Engineering Sector -4, vikasnagar, Koparkhairane, navimumbai –400709 Department Of Mechanical Engineering In association with Indian Institution of Industrial Engineering Nhq Cbd Belapur, navi Mumbai
7. Attended 3days online FDP on “Enhancing Research Work of Ph.D. Aspirants through Systematic Approach” 8-10 June,2020. Lokmanya Tilak College Of Engineering Sector -4, Vikasnagar, Koparkhairane, Navimumbai –400709 Department Of Mechanical Engineering In association with Indian Institution of Industrial Engineering Nhq Cbd Belapur, navi Mumbai
8. Participated in the ‘Teaching the next generation’, a 12 part webinar series, organised by the center of Excellence in Science and Mathematics Education, at the Indian Institute of Science Education and Research Pune, in collaboration with the Royal Society of Chemistry.
9. Participated in Online National Quiz on ‘Engineering Physics’ organized by Department of Physics, Medi-caps University , Indore in march 2020.
10. Attended one day webinar on ‘Importance of Physics in Industry and Opportunities For Physics Students’ organized by Department of Physics, Milind College of Science, Aurangabad on July 21, 2020.
11. Participated in 6 days workshop of Science leadership workshop organized by Central University of Punjab, Bhatinda, India from 22 june 2020 to 28 June 2020.
12. Attended webinar series 2020 on Characterization Techniques for Nanoparticles and Data Analysis on October 13-14, 2020 organised by Rayat Bahra University.
13. Participated in Three Days National Workshop on “How to Draft Effective Scientific Publications, Patents and Patent Filing” organized by Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Research and Development Cell, In Association with IEI & ISTE Chapter, BIET from 02.07.2020 to 04.07.2020
14. Participated workshop of Experimental Physics
15. Participate in ‘Earn and Learn Scheme’ at College Level.
DATE OF BIRTH: 04/01/1980
Ph. D. RTMNU, Nagpur Nov 11, 2019
M. Phil SGB Amaravati University 2009 II Physics
M.SC. SGB Amaravati University 2002 I Physics
B.Ed. SGB Amaravati University 2004 I —
B.SC. SGB Amaravati University 2000 I Physics
H.S.C Amravati Board 1997 II
S.S.C. Amravati Board 1995 Distinction
01 International Conference on Computer, Electrical & Electronics Engg. DBATU, Lonere IETE 26/12/2013 27/12/2013 02
02 Ramanujan Conference 2016 RTMNU, Nagpur Research Scholars Seminar Competition 22/01/2016 01/02/2016 10
03 National Seminar On Physics & Technology of Sensors SGGSIE&T, Nanded SRTMU, Nanded 03/03/2016 05/03/2016 03
04 National Conference on Recent Innovations in Science, Engg,& Technology G H Raisoni IET, Nagpur RTMNU, Nagpur 18/03/2016 19/03/2016 02
05 National Conference on Recent Innovations in Science, Engg & Technology G H Raisoni IET, Nagpur RTMNU, Nagpur 07/05/2017 — 01
06 Short Term Training Program DBATU, Lonere TEQIP-III 15/10/2019 19/10/2019 05
07 Workshop on National Education Policy 2019 DBATU, Lonere TEQIP-III 26/09/2019 — 01
• In charge of admission cell during the first-year admission in 2010 in SSOSP College of Diploma Engineering, Nagothane, Raigad.
• Head of Science and Humanities department from 2010 to 2011 in SSOSP College of Diploma Engineering, Nagothane, Raigad.
• Arranged guest lecture for first year students in SGGS, Nanded in 2015.
• Cultural Coordinator in Matoshri Prathishthan CoE, Nanded for Youth festival 2016
• Worked in various committee as a member of International Conference in SGGSIE&T, 2015.
• Developed Physics lab with experiments and charts at SGGS Nanded and DBATU, Lonere.
Ph. D. title: “Study of structural and electrical characterization of PVA doped thin films.”
International Journal:
1. S S More, R J Dhokne and S V Mohril, “Study on structural characterization and dielectric properties of PVA-TiO2 composite” IOSR-JAP, Volume 8, Issue 3 (3), 2016
2. Shital More, Ragini Dhokne and Sanjiv Moharil, “Dielectric relaxation and electric modulus of polyvinyl alcohol-Zinc oxide composite films” Mater. Res. Express 4(2017) 055302
3. Shital More, Ragini Dhokne and Sanjiv Moharil, “Structural properties and temperature dependence dielectric properties of PVA-Al2O3 composite thin films” Polym. Bull. (2017) DOI 10.1007/s00289-017-2069-0
4. Dhokne, Ragini, Shital More, and Nilesh Pathare. “Structural and dielectric relaxation study of polyvinyl-alcohol titanium dioxide composite films.” AIP Conference Proceedings. Vol. 2104. No. 1. AIP Publishing LLC, 2019.
5. “Synthesis and Characterization of Magnetite and Cobalt Ferrite Nanoparticles by Sol-Gel Auto Combustion Technique”,S. D. Raut, S. G. Dahotre, L. N. Singh, S. N. Jadhav “International Journal of Innovation in engineering and Science ISSN- 2456-3463”, Vol 6 Number 10, 2021 http։//doi.org/10.46335/IJIES.2021.6.10.4
6. “Structural and Magnetic Studies of CoxFe3-xO4 By Sol-gel Auto combustion Technique For Spintronics Applications” S. D. Raut, S. G. Dahotre, L. N. Singh, S. N. Jadhav GIS JournalPage No: 644-662 DOI:20.18001.GSJ.2021.V8I9.21.38018 http://www.gisscience.net/VOLUME-8-ISSUE-9-2021/
International Conference:
1. S S More, R J Dhokne and S V Mohril, “Study of AC electrical conductivity of PVA-TiO2 composite polymer films” ICEEE, IETE Cynosure 2013, 2013.
2. Ragini Dhokne, Shital More, and Nilesh Pathare, “Structural and dielectric relaxation study of polyvinyl-alcohol titanium dioxide composite films”,AIP Conference Proceedings 2104, 020030 (2019)
3. 6th International conference on ‘perspectives of preparing and Implementing the swachh Bharat Abhiyan’-6th march 2021 at Birla College, “Synthesis of Cobalt Substituted Magnetite for energy storage and minimization of e-waste.”S.D. Raut, S.G. Dahotre, L. N. Singh, S. N. Jadhav
4. One Day Virtual International Conference on Recent Advances in Engineering, Science and Technology-2021 (ICRAEST-2021) 16 July, 2021 Paper Presented: “Synthesis and Characterization of Magnetite and Cobalt Ferrite Nanoparticles by Sol-Gel Auto Combustion Technique” S. D. Raut, S. G. Dahotre, L. N. Singh, S. N. Jadhav.
National conference:
1. S S More, R J Dhokne and S V Mohril, “Study on structural and electrical properties of Polyvinyl Alcohol- TiO2 doped thin films” NCRISET 2016
2. S S More, R J Dhokne and S V Mohril, “Dielectric relaxation and electric modulus study of PVA/ZnO composite films” NCRISET 2017.
Registered as International Paper Reviewer by an Editor for following renowned journals: i) Elsevier, Physica B ii) Springer, Polymer Bulletin
Email Id-ajinkyawakchaure3@gmail.com
Date of birth-26th May 1992
Phone no- 9503766593
Educational qualifications-:
Master of Science Physics 2016 Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune New Arts, Commerce and Science college Ahmednagar 71.20% ‘O’ Grade
Bachelor of Science Physics 2013 Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune New Arts, Commerce and Science college Ahmednagar 86% First class with distinction
HSC Science 2009 Maharashtra State Board of secondary and higher secondary Education , Pune New Arts , Science and Commerce college, Rahuri 73.50%
SSC General 2007 Maharashtra State Board of secondary and higher secondary Education , Pune Sant Dyaneshvar Vidyalaya, Takalimiya. 80.61%
Teaching Experience-
( from 2016 to 2019 ) Jamkhed Mahavidyalaya, Jamkhed. Assistant Professor
( from 2019 to 2020) Institute of Petrochemical Engineering, Lonere. Lecturer
( From Jan 2021 to present) Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Technological University, Raigad, Maharashtra. Assistant Professor
Co-author of an E-book of Enginnering Physics-I (available on SEAMBooks mobile application) by Dr. S.G. Dahotre, Dr. S.N. Jadhav, Prof. A.S. Wakchaure for Mumbai University
Dr. Sangita Gajanan DahotreProfessor & Head, Department of Physics,
Mob.No. 7507910717.
Date of Birth : 11/03/1972.
Educational Qualification:
1. Ph.D 2014, ( Doctor of Philisophy) in the area of “Nanoferrites”“ STUDY OF Mn-Zn FERRITE AT NANOLEVEL”.
2. B.Ed 1995, Ahmednagar.
3. M.Sc Physics 1994, A’ Nagar College, A’Nagar.
4. B.Sc. Physics 1992, New Arts, Commerce and Science College, A’Nagar
Work Experience:
1. Junior Manager, Videocon Company, A’Nagar, Year 1995-1996.
2. Teacher in Higher Secondary School of Shri Samarth VidyaMandir, A’ Nagar, Year 1994-1995.
3. Date of Joining at DBATU – 06/02/1997.
4. From last 22 years working in the Department of Physics, Dr. B. A. Tech. University, initially as a Assistant professor, from 2011 as Associate Professor, from 2016 as Professor and from 1 July 2020 Head and Professor till date.
Short Term Training Programmes:
1. Educational Technology, 10 May-21 May1999, Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Technological University, Lonere, Raigad.
2. Pollution Control, 13 Dec.- 24 Dec. 1999, Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Technological University, Lonere, Raigad.
3. Refrsher Course in Physics, 15May-27May 2000, VIT, Pune.
4. Intelligent Materials for New Millennium, 21May-1June 2001, Pondicherry Engineering College,Pondicherry.
5. Refresher Course in Condensed Matter Physics , 11 June-2 July 2001, Kolhapur Unviersity,Kolhapur.
6. Digital Image Processing and Pattern Recognition, 30 July-11 August 2001, Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Technological University, Lonere, Raigad.
7. Advanced Materials and Near Net Shape Manufacturing, 11 August-22 August 2003, Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Technological University, Lonere, Raigad.
8. Appilcations of Integral Transform Technique in Science and Engineering, 17 November-28 November 2003, Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Technological University, Lonere, Raigad.
9. NanoTecnology: Opportunities and Challenges, 19 December-31 December 2005, Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Technological University, Lonere, Raigad.
10. Mission 10X, 7 March-11 March 2011, Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Technological University, Lonere, Raigad.
11. Advanced Materials and Manufacturing Processes, 27 June-1 July 2011, Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Technological University, Lonere, Raigad.
12. Recent Advances in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 15 June-30 June 2012 NMU, Jalgaon.
13. Research Methodology, 26 November-30 November 2012, Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Technological University, Lonere, Raigad.
14. Nanotechnology, 10 December-14 December 2012, Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Technological University, Lonere, Raigad.
15. Nanotechnology :Opprtunities and Challenges, 10 June-21 June 2013, Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Technological University, Lonere, Raigad.
16. One week FDP on Nature Inspired Computations in Engineering (NICE) , 18-22 May, 2015, Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Technological University, Lonere, Raigad.
17. Recent Trends on Energy Research, 7-11, Dec. 2015, Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Technological University, Lonere, Raigad.
18. Workshop on Outcome Based Education, 22-27, June 2016, Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Technological University, Lonere, Raigad.
19. Workshop on Intellectual Property Rights, 2 Sept. 2016, conducted by RUSSA under TEQIP II, at Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Technological University, Lonere, Raigad.
20. A Two Days Workshop on Migration to Free and Open Source Software (FOSS), 16-17, Sept. 2016, Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Technological University, Lonere, Raigad.
21. One Week FDP on Internet of Things and Software Architecture under TEQIP III, 6-10, December 2018, at Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Technological University, Lonere.Raigad.
22. One week STTP on ” Integrated Approch towards Water Processing and Management” under TEQIP-III, 15-19 October 2019, at Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Technological University, Lonere. Raigad.
23. One day workshop on “National Education Policy- 2019, at Dr. Babasaheb AmbedkarTechnological University, Lonere. Raigad, 26th September 2019.
24. Two week NPTEL-AICTE FDP on ‘Physics of materials’[July-October 2019]
National Seminars and Conventions :
1. Synergogy Seminar, 17-19 March 2000, 1-2 April 2000, Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Technological University, Lonere, Raigad.
2. National Convention on Role of WomensEngg in Sustainable Development 28 October 2001, Institute of Engineers, Pune Local Centre, Pune.
3. Annual Convention of Maharashtra Goa Section On a new learning paradigm for technical teachers.14-15 December 2001, Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Technological University, Lonere, Raigad.
4. National Seminar on Characterization and Analysis Techniques, 22-23 October, 2005, Birla college, Kalyan.
5. National seminar on Material processing and characterization technique, 28-29 March 2005 Dept. of Physics, Kolhapur University, Kolhapur.
6. National Conference on Recent Trends in Nano Science, 1-2 March 2012, Birla college, Kalyan. Paper presented: Study of Magnetic Properties of Mn-Zn nanoferrites.
7. Indian Science Congress, 3-7 January 2015, Mumbai University, Mumbai.
8. Indian Science Congress, 3-7 January 2016, Mysoore University, Mysoore. Paper presented: Nano Mn-Zn Ferrite for the study of Morphology and geff value.
9. Interdisciplinary State Level Conference on Science for Sustainable Development, 19 th Dec.2016, Anandibai Pradhan Science College, Nagothane, Raigad.
10. Indian Science Congress, 3-7 January 2017, Tirupati, “ Study of Structural and Magnetic properties of Nickel substituted Mn-Zn nanoferrite
11. One Day National Conference on Advanced Analytical Tools, for Materials Characterization (AATMC-2018), at Birla College of Arts, Science and Commerce, Kalyan, on 28 th Feb. 2018.Paper Presented – Study of Structure, Magnetic and Electrical Properties of Al substituted M type Calcium nanoHexaferrite.
12. Indian Science Congress, 3-7 January 2019, Lovely Professional University, Phagwara Jalandhar, Punjab. Presented a paper entitled “ Preparation and Characterization of Al Substituted M type Ca NanoHexaferrire”.
13. One Day National Conference on ‘ADVANCED MATERIALS’, Saturday,the 24th July 2021, , B.K. Birla College(Autonomous), Kalyan and MRSI-MC. Paper Presented: “Synthesis of Strontium doped Bismuth Ferrite for Spintronics and Photocatalytic Applications”, S. D. Rajadhyax, S. G. Dahotre.
14. One day National Conference on “Climate change and youth:time for action”, wednesday 12th January 2022, B.K. Birla College(Autonomous), Kalyan
Paper Presented “ Study of magnetite Nonoparticles for Spintronics Applications: A brief review” S. D. Raut, S. G. Dahotre, S. N.Jadhav.
(Full paper published in proceedings)
International Conferences:
1) MRSI 16 AGM of Materials Research Society of India, 10-12 Feb 2005, NCL, Pune. Paper presented: FMR study of Mn1-xZnxFe2O4( x= 0.5 ).
2) International Conference on Physics for World and Society Celebration of World Year of Physics, 2-4 Dec 2005, University of Rajasthan and Engg.College of Bikaner, Bikaner. Paper presented: FMR study of Nanostructured Mn-Zn Ferrite ( x= 0.4 ).
3) Indo Singapore Symposium on Advanced Functional Materials, 24-26 Feb 2006, IIT Bombay.Paper presented: FMR study of Mn-Zn Ferrites ( x= 0.6 ).
4) International Conference on Empowerment of Women through Adult Education, 29-30 Sept. 2007, Smt. C.H. Mansukhani College, Ulhasnagar.
5) International Conference on Material Science Research and Nanotechnolgy, 27-29 Feb 2008 Mother Teresa University, Kodaikanal. Paper presented :Mn-Zn Nanoparticles- Preparation and Properties.
6) International Conference on Nanomaterials and Applications 2008, 9-11, Dec. 2008, Shivaji University, Kolhapur.
7) International Conference on RETMAC-2010, 14-15, February 2010, NIT Karnataka, Surtkal, Manglore. Paper presented: Study of Magnetic properties of Mn-Zn Ferrite.
8) International Conference on Computer, Electrical and Electronics Engineering, IETE Cynosure-2013, 26-27, Dec. 2013, Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar Technological University, Lonere, Raigad.Paper presented: Superparamagnetism and FMR study of Nano Mn-Zn Ferrite.
9) International Conference on NanoPolymeric Materials ( ICNPM-2015 ) , 13-15 Nov. 2015 Kottayam, Kerala, Paper Presented: Effect of Zn substitution on FMR and FTIR spectroscopy of Nano Mn-Zn Ferrites”
10) Venus International Foundations Centre for Advanced Research and Design, 3rd Annual Women’s Meet- AWM 2018, March 3, 2018 at Chennai.
11) International conference on Environmental development and Sunstainibility. [2018], “Impact on the Structural and Magnetic properties of Al substituted M type Calcium nanoHexaferrite. A.C.P. College, Devrukh
12) 6th International conference on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology(virtual Conference), February01-03,2021 at SRM University, Chennai. “Ferro-nano-carbon Split Ring Resonators a BianisotropicMetamaterials in X- Band.” R. P. Gawade, S.G. Dahotre
13) One day International conference on ‘perspectives of preparing and Implementing the swachh Bharat Abhiyan’-6th march 2021 at Birla College, “Synhesis of grapheme like Nano carbon for Sustainable Development in Energy sector.” R.P. Gawade, S.G. Dahotre, L. N. Singh
14) 6th International conference on ‘perspectives of preparing and Implementing the swachh Bharat Abhiyan’-6th march 2021 at Birla College, “Synthesis of Cobalt Substituted Magnetite for energy storage and minimization of e-waste.”S.D. Raut, S.G. Dahotre, L. N. Singh, S. N. Jadhav
15) 6th International conference on ‘perspectives of preparing and Implementing the swachh Bharat Abhiyan’-6th march 2021 at Birla College, “ Synthesis of Barium doped Bismuth Ferrite and It’s Applications in Microwave Devices.” S. D. Rajadhyax, S.G. Dahotre, L. N. Singh
16) One Day Virtual International Conference on Recent Advances in Engineering, Science and Technology-2021 (ICRAEST-2021) 16 July, 2021 Paper Presented: “Synthesis and Characterization of Magnetite and Cobalt Ferrite Nanoparticles by Sol-Gel Auto Combustion Technique” S. D. Raut, S. G. Dahotre, L. N. Singh, S. N. Jadhav
17) One Day Virtual International Conference on Recent Advances in Engineering, Science and Technology-2021 (ICRAEST-2021) 16 July, 2021 Paper Presented: “Synthesis and Structural Characterization of Ba doped Bismuth Ferrite By Sol Gel Method for Cleaner Enviornment”, S. D. Rajadhyax, S. G. Dahotre, U.L.Shinde, L. N. Singh
International Journal Publications:
1. Morphology and geff study of Nano Mn1-xZnx Fe2O4.
S.G. Dahotre, L.N. Singh
Journal of Nanotechnolgy and Nanoengineering ,2015, Vol. 1, Issue 3, Page 1-5.
2. Superparamagnetism and FMR study of Nano Mn-Zn Ferrites.
S.G. Dahotre, L.N. Singh
Advances in Applied Science Research, 2014, 5(1): 146-149.
3. Synthesis and Characterization of Nanoferrites.
S.G. Dahotre, L.N. Singh
Journal of Pure Applied and Industrial Physics, Volume 3, Issue 3, July 2013.
Citation 1, h index 1
4. Study of Magnetic properties of Nanostructured Mn-Zn Ferrites.
S.G. Dahotre, L.N. Singh
Archives of Physics Research, 2011, 2(1):81-89, ISSN0976-0970, CODEN(USA):APRRC7,
Citation 1, h index 1
5. Synthesis and Characterization of La substituted M type Ca Hexaferrite.
V.S. Shinde, S.G. Dahotre, L.N. Singh
i-Manager’s Journal of Materials Science, Vol 7, Issue 2 [20-25], July-Sept.2019.
6. Synthesis and Characterization of Al substituted Cahexaferrite.
V.S. Shinde, S.G. Dahotre, L.N. Singh
Heliyon 6 [2020] e03186, January 2020
7. Comparative study of structural and magnetic properties of Al and La substituted calcium
V.S. Shinde, S.G. Dahotre, L.N. Singh
International Journal of Research and analytical review(IJRAR), 6(2), 569-574
8. Study of Structural and magnetic properties of Ni substituted M-type calcium hexaferrite.
V.S. Shinde, S.G. Dahotre, L.N. Singh
Integrated Ferroelectrics, 213(1)
9. “Comparative study of structural and magnetic properties of Ni and La substituted calcium
V. S. Shinde, S. G. Dahotre
Cerâmica 67 (2021) 301-307
10. “Synthesis and Characterization of Magnetite and Cobalt Ferrite Nanoparticles by Sol-Gel Auto
Combustion Technique”,
S. D. Raut, S. G. Dahotre, L. N. Singh, S. N. Jadhav
“International Journal of Innovation in engineering and Science ISSN- 2456-3463”,
Vol 6 Number 10, 2021
11. “Synthesis and Structural Characterization of Ba doped Bismuth Ferrite By Sol Gel Method for
Cleaner Enviornment”,
S. D. Rajadhax, S. G. Dahotre, U.L.Shinde, L. N. Singh
“International Journal of Innovation in engineering and Science ISSN- 2456-3463”,
Vol 6 Number 10, 2021
12.“Structural and Magnetic Studies of CoxFe3-xO4 By Sol-gel Auto combustion Technique
For Spintronics Applications”
S. D. Raut, S. G. Dahotre, L. N. Singh, S. N. Jadhav
GIS JournalPage No: 644-662
13. “Microstrip Patch Antenna Simulation using ComsolMultiphysics”
R. P. Gawade, S. G. Dahotre
GIS JournalPage No: 1295-1303
Other Activities:
1. Recognized as a Ph.D guide w.e.f. july 24,2015, in the Department of Physics,
Reference No: 01/05/Ph.D Guide/242/ Date: 05/10/2015, (Executive Council Meeting, dated 24 july, 2015) Dr. B.A .Tech. University, Lonere.
2. Warden of Ladies Hostel of Dr. B. A. Tech .University, Year 1997, 1998, 1999.
3. Assistant Rector of Ladies Hostel of Dr. B.A. Tech .University, Year 2000, 2001, 2002.
4. Head of the Physics Department during year 2006-2007.
5. Coordinator for the cell for services to community and Economy Development 2006-2007.
6. Worked as Examination Coordinator.
7. Coordinator of training programmes for teachers from ITI, Year 2006-2007.
8. Coordinator of National Science day and Technological day. Year 2006-2007.
9. Anchoring for the programme of Dr. Ambedkar Jayanti 14 April 2007, 2008, 2009, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019.
10. Committee Member for the Interview ( Lab Officers and Scientific Officer ) Pannel at IAT ( Indian Armament Technology ) Pune, during year 2012.
11. Paper reviewer for the conference at COEP, 7-9 Dec. 2011.
12. Rector of Ladies Hostel Dhavalgiri, June 2011- June 2012.
13. Member for admission of 15% konkan quota for first year engg., Year 2012.
14. Member for the selection committee of Laboratory Assistant, Year 2012, 2013, 2014.
15. Member for the selection committee of Contract Basis faculty, Year 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015.
16. Member of Anti-ragging committtee, Year 2012-13, 2014-15.
17. Member of Women’s Cell, Year 2014-15, 2015-16, till date.
18. Coordinator of Medical Facility Centre ( March 2017 – March 2019 )
19. Announcement coordinator during convocation ceremony, Year 2015, 2016, 2017.
20. RC member of Department of Physics.
21. BOS member of Basic Sciences.
22. Conducted a One day workshop on “The i-Pro Program Stressing Success” for all Students in First Year B.Tech and First Year Diploma courses, 13-14 th January, 2017, in collaboration with DTE and MACCIA.
23. Coordinator for Women’s Day Celebration, 8 th March, 2018.
24. Board of Study member in the Department of Physics.
25. Examinations Malpractices committee member ( 2017-2018, 2018-2019 ).
26. NPTEL Exam October 2018, Solid State Physics, Elite grade certificate.
27. Chairman of Question Paper setter from year 2018 till date.
28. NPTEL Exam Dec 2019, Physics of materials.
29. NPTEL Exam March 2020, Surface Engineering of nanomaterials, Elite plus silver grade certificate.
30. BOS Chairman, From July 2020.
31. Academic Council member From August 2020.
32. RPAC Chairman From September 2020.
33. Paper Setter For Technical Post IIGM November 2021.
1. Invited to give invited talk on “ Effect of Zn substitution on FMR and FTIR spectrscopy of Nano Mn-Zn Ferrites” , at International Conference on Nanostructured Polymetric Materials and Polymer Nanocomposites( ICNPM-2015 ) , November 13-15, 2015. Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam, Kerala.
2. Chaired the Session at the International Conference on Nanostructured Polymetric Materials and Polymer Nanocomposites ( ICNPM-2015 ) , November 13-15, 2015. Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam, Kerala.
3. Invited to give talk and felicitated on International Women’s Day by SwakulsaliSamajMandal, Mulund, Mumbai, on International Women’s Day, 8 march, 2016.
4. Published e-Book, ‘ Engineering Physics-I’ November 2021.
5. Ph.D. Completed- 1 student.
Awards and Prizes :
• “1st Prize (Best paper presentation) awarded entitled with “Synthesis and Characterization of Magnetite and Cobalt Ferrite Nanoparticles by Sol-Gel Auto Combustion Technique” , S. D. Raut, S. G. Dahotre, L. N. Singh, S. N. Jadhav
One Day Virtual International Conference on Recent Advances in Engineering, Science and Technology-2021 (ICRAEST-2021) 16 July, 2021
• “FIRST PRIZE WINNER” for the Paper presentation 6th International conference on ‘perspectives of preparing and Implementing the swachh BharatAbhiyan’-6th march 2021 at Birla College,
“ Synhesis of grapheme like Nano carbon for Sustainable Development in Energy sector.” R.P. Gawade, S.G. Dahotre, L. N. Singh
• “ DISTINGUISHED WOMEN IN SCIENCE AWARD, VIWA 2018.” for the contribution and achievement in the field of Physics., During 3 rd March 2018, at Chennai, by Venus International Foundation, Centre for Advanced Research and Design. On the occassion of International Women’s Day.
• “ YOUNG RESEARCHRES AWARD“ for the paper presentation at International Conference on Computer, Electrical and Electronics Engineering, IETE, Cynosure-2013, Dr. B. A. Tech. University, Lonere.
• “SECOND PRIZE WINNER” for the paper presentation at National conference on RTNS ( Recent Trends in Nano Science ) , March 1-2, 2012, Birla college, Kalyan.
• To fetch technological advancement in teaching and research
• Developing integrity and excellence in student, staff and faculty of university to inculcate technological advancement in teaching and research area.