Academic Council

1]Name:  Dr. Karbhari Kale
Designation: Vice-Chancellor
Position in the Council: Chairman


2]Name: No appointment
Designation: Dean/ Director of Research and Development
Position in the Council: Member

3]Name: No appointment
Designation: Deans of Faculties (Engineering & Technology, Pharmacy, Architecture, HMCT)
Position in the Council: Members

4]Name: No appointment
Designation: All Heads/ Directors of the Regional Centers
Position in the Council: Members

5]Name: No appointment
Designation: Joint Directors of Sub Centers of the University
Position in the Council: Members

6]Name: Professor Y. S. Mahajan, Dr. M.  Sadaiah, Dr. A.W. Kiwelekar, Dr. K. Vadirajacharya Dr. S. M. Pore, Dr. S. M. Jadhav, Dr. S L. Nalbalwar, Prof. V.P. Jawanjal, Dr. B. B. Singh, Dr. L. N. Singh, Dr. A. P. Shesh, Dr. H.A. Mujawar, Dr. M.A. Dabhade
Designation: Heads of University Schools and Departments
Position in the Council: Members

7]Name: No recognized Institute
Designation: Two Heads of Recognized Institutions, to be nominated by the Vice-Chancellor
Position in the Council: Members

8]Name: No affiliated colleges
Designation: Ten Principals of the affiliated colleges
Position in the Council: Members

9]Name: Mr. U. V. Dhatrak, Executive Director, RCF, Thal Unit
Designation: Chairman or his representative, Rashtriya Chemicals and Fertilizers, Mumbai
Position in the Council: Member

10]Name: Prof. Y S Mahajan, Dr. M. Sadaiah,  Dr. A. W. Kiwelekar, Dr. K. Vadirajacharya , Dr. S.M. Pore, Dr. S.L. Nalbalwar, Dr. S.M. Jadhav, Dr. Mrs Padma Devarajan, Mr. Prashant Deshmukh
Designation: Chairmen of all Boards of Studies
Position in the Council: Member

11]Name:Prof. J. V Aghav, Prof. Y.V. Joshi, Dr. V. M. Bhandari, NCL, Pune, Dr. Nitin Deshmukh, Dr. R. Balasubramanium, Mr. Samir Rane, Prof. Dr. Mohan Khedkar, Prof. V. K. Rathod, Prof. M.  B. Kumthekar
Designation: Ten experts from different branches of technology, to be nominated by the Vice-Chancellor
Position in the Council: Members

Designation: Three teachers, one from amongst professors, one from amongst Associate professors and one from among Assistant professors of the University by rotation according to their seniority, to be nominated by the Vice-Chancellor
Position in the Council: Members

13]Name: Dr. B. F. Jogi
Designation: Registrar
Position in the Council: Secretary



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